Usage Agreement
Guesthouse Diphylleia Grayi, hereby referred to as Hotel, has made this Usage Agreement for the greatest benefit of our guests. All guests are required to agree to Usage Agreement when using the services of Hotel. Hotel reserves the rights to refuse to service any guests who do not comply with this Usage Agreement.
1. Scope of Application
Guests who are inside the area of Hotel, any room and any facilities that belongs to Hotel, hereby referred to as Facilities, are all under the scope of this Usage Agreement.
1. Applying for Accommodation Contract
A guest is required to present the following information before applying for the accommodation contract:
Name, address, age, phone number, gender, occupation and length of stay.
Nationality, passport number, and the next place of stay in case of a foreign guest.
2. A guest is entitled to cancel the Accommodation Contract by notifying Hotel.
3. If a guest cancels part or all of his/her accommodation agreement due to a cause attributable to him/her, Hotel will charge the guest a penalty as below.
No show and no notification 100%
1 day prior to the Accommodation Day 50%
2 days ~ 7 days prior to Accommodation Day 30%
4. If a guest does not appear by 22:00 of the accommodation date without advance notice, Hotel may regard the Accommodation Contract as being cancelled by the guest.
5. Hotel may cancel the Accommodation Contract under any of the following circumstances:
Ⅰ.When one who intends to lodge in Hotel is considered to be likely to commit any activities against laws, or public order or moral;
Ⅱ.When a guest can be clearly identified as carrying an infectious disease;
Ⅲ.When Hotel and/or Hotel staff suffers from violent threat or unreasonable burden from a guest. Or, when it is acknowledged that similar activity has occurred in the past;
Ⅳ.When Hotel is unable to provide accommodation due to natural calamities and/or other causes of force majeure;。
Ⅴ.When the person requesting Hotel accommodation is obviously intoxicated and could cause annoyance to other guests or when a person is behaving in such a manner as to be an annoyance to other guests;
Ⅵ. When one who intends to lodge in Hotel commits any activities that interfere with fire prevention, including, but not limited to smoking at the nonsmoking area, doing mischief on fire-fighting equipment, etc.;
3.Fire prevention and security
1. Please only smoke in the designated smoking area.
2. A guest is not permitted to enter backyard, emergency stairs, machine room and other staff-only Facilities.
4.Baggage and belongings
When a guest checks out and leaves his/her baggage or belongings behind, Hotel will keep the baggage / belongings for a certain period, and there after the baggage/belongings will be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Lost Property Act.
5.Regarding Facilities
1. Service hours
Rooms are available for accommodation between from 4 p.m. until the following day at 10 a.m. Guests staying in the hotel for two or more consecutive days may use the room all day except on the arrival and departure day. However, all the communal spaces (dining rooms, kitchens, lobby) are closed during cleaning time from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.
2. Lights-out time
The lights-out is at 11pm. All the communal spaces are not available after that time.
3. Internet Usage
・Guests are free to use internet at their own discretion. However Hotel refuses the use of internet for any purposes that defies public order and moral.
・Wireless LAN does not guarantee 100% connection to the internet.
・Connection speed may vary according to guests’ device setup, internet environment, congestion, and other possible causes.
・Hotel does not help with the setup of a guest’s devices under any circumstances.
・Guests are responsible for the security of their devices.
1. Hotel does not take any responsibility for any trouble, fights and other negativities that break out among the guests. Please resolve the problem among related parties.
2. A guest shall compensate Hotel for damage caused by the guest.
3. We cannot be responsible for lost or stolen items.
1. Gambling and activities that defy public morals inside Hotel and Facilities.
2. Causing trouble to other guests by shouting, singing, or other activities that use loud noise while inside Hotel and Facilities.
3. Body or clothes of the guest that deemed considerably dirty or foul smelling enough to cause trouble to other guests.
4. Using Hotel and Facilities for purposes other than lodging or eating without permission.
5. Carrying inside Hotel and Facilities any object that may cause trouble to other guests.
イ. Dog, cat, bird, and any pet at all (with the exception of guide dog and service dog for the blind)
ロ.Explosive, flammable, gunpowder, volatile oil, foul smelling thing, any other substance and object that are deemed dangerous or illegal.
6. Destroying, damaging, defiling, moving, or any other activity that affects the present condition of object that belongs to Hotel and Facilities. This includes bringing the object outside Hotel.
7. Advertising, distributing and displaying of advertisement, selling, dealing in business or having any other commercial activity while inside Hotel without permission.
8. Using photos taken inside Hotel and Facilities for business purpose without permission from Hotel.
9. Anything Hotel deemed to be inadequate.
1. The information entered when establishing Accommodation is protected by Contract Personal Information Protection Law. We do not offer, show, or sell this information to any third party. With the exception of the articles below;
イ. When a guest has proactively allowed us to do so beforehand.
ロ. When the information is required, by judicial authority, government, public offices, or officer of law, to be revealed.
2. Hotel reserves the rights to use the E-Mail address received when a guest signed an accommodation contract for advertising or promotional purposes.
3. Any photo, text, design element, and content on our website are property of Hotel. Using any of the aforementioned articles without permission is prohibited.
9.Other rules
1. Guests must behave according to the instructions of staff. Our Hotel reserves the rights to expel The Guest that refuse to comply.
2. Hotel and Facilities are only for the use of the guests who has made Accommodation Contract with Hotel.
3. Please only smoke in the designated smoking area.
4. No food or drinks in the rooms. Please eat and drink in the 1st or 2nd floor communal spaces.
5. All trashes made while staying at Hotel must be separated and put where designated.
6. A guest must not bring inside Hotel any object that is defined by law to be iIlegal to have in possession.
7. This agreement may be changed or updated without prior notice.
Supplementary Rules added October 5 2017